
New Features - DeployHQ Blog

We're always pushing new features to our products. We post about them all on our blog so you can find them all in here.

DeployHQ: Mastering Deployment Strategies

Deployment strategies play a crucial role in ensuring seamless and efficient software updates. Choosing the right strategy can significantly impact the overall performance, reliability, and user experience of your application. In this blog post, we'll delve into two common deployment strategies: sequential and parallel. We'll discuss when to use each one and highlight why DeployHQ's parallel deployments feature is a game-changer.

DeployHQ Build Pipeline updates

We're pleased to announce a number of major language version changes and new releases to our build pipeline.

DeployHQ updated language versions

We'd just like to let you know, we've installed some updates for the following language versions on the build pipeline:

What we've been up to - new and upcoming features

Recently, we've been hard at work at Krystal Labs getting our latest product Metritool ready for the closed beta. However, that's not stopped a number of updates from being developed...

Project configuration suggestions

We've just pushed out a handy new feature that will be particularly useful to those of you that manage multiple projects in DeployHQ - a project configuration suggestions area that's...

Zero-downtime deployments with a cache directory

We've just deployed an enhancement to the zero-downtime features in DeployHQ - the ability to choose from two "strategies" when deploying. This feature can be found when first configuring a...


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