
Deploying Java Spring Projects with DeployHQ

This guide uses DeployHQ to automate deployments of your Java Spring project.


  • A hosted server with Java and Maven installed.

Setting Up DeployHQ

  1. Create a DeployHQ project: Sign up and navigate to Projects > New Project. Follow the wizard to connect your project repository.
  2. Create a DeployHQ user: Enhance security by creating a dedicated user for deployments:
sudo adduser deployhq
sudo usermod -a -G some-app-group deployhq

Replace some-app-group with your application group (typically tomcat or similar).

  1. Configure a server: In DeployHQ, go to Servers > New Server.
    • Server name: Choose a recognizable name.
    • Protocol: Select SSH.
    • Hostname: Enter your server's IP address.
    • Username: Enter deployhq.
    • Authentication: Use SSH key. Run the following commands on your server:
su - deployhq
mkdir ~/.ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Paste DeployHQ's public key, then press Ctrl + X, y, and Enter to save.

chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • Deployment Path: Set this to your application directory (e.g., /var/www/myapp).
  • Zero-downtime deployments: Enable for seamless transitions during deployment.
    • This creates a path like /var/www/myapp/current for application files. Update your web server configuration accordingly.
  • Environment: Set to production.
  • Automatic deployments: Enable for automated deployments on pushes.
  1. Add a config file (Optional): DeployHQ allows uploading configuration files without storing them in the repository. This is useful for sensitive files like .env.
-   Go to **Config Files** and click **New Config File**.
-   Paste the contents of your `.env.example` file into the config file content field.
  1. Set up SSH commands: In DeployHQ, navigate to SSH Commands and click New SSH Command. Create the following commands:
  • Install Dependencies:
cd %path% && mvn clean install
  • Build Application:
cd %path% && mvn package
  • Copy Artifact: (Assuming a WAR file is generated)
cp %path%/target/*.war /var/lib/tomcat/webapps/yourapp.war

Replace /var/lib/tomcat/webapps/yourapp.war with your actual deployment path. - Restart Tomcat: (assuming a systemd service)

sudo systemctl restart tomcat

Adjust the command based on your specific service management system.


Click Deploy Project in the DeployHQ header. Select the server and desired revisions. Once confirmed, click Deploy to initiate the deployment process.

Additional Resources:

If you’ve got any other projects you’d like to automate deployments for, we’ve written lots of guides for deploying the most popular application frameworks and content management systems.


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