
Deploying Behind Firewalls Made Easy: Introducing the DeployHQ Agent

Backstage, Devops & Infrastructure, and Security

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Ever wished you could seamlessly deploy your code to servers tucked safely behind a firewall? At DeployHQ, we understand the importance of security, and that often means keeping your servers isolated from the outside world. But what about when it comes to pushing new code updates?

Today, we're excited to introduce the DeployHQ Agent, a lightweight solution that bridges the gap between your secure servers and our powerful deployment platform.

What is the DeployHQ Agent?

The DeployHQ Agent is a small, secure program you can install on your server residing behind a firewall. It acts as a bridge, allowing DeployHQ to securely communicate with your server and trigger deployments efficiently. This eliminates the need to expose your servers directly to the internet, keeping your infrastructure safe without sacrificing deployment speed.

Benefits of the DeployHQ Agent:

  • Enhanced Security: DeployHQ Agent ensures your servers remain secure behind the firewall, minimizing the attack surface and protecting your sensitive data.
  • Simplified Deployments: Initiate deployments directly from your DeployHQ dashboard, regardless of your server's location. No more complex configurations or manual intervention.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Maintain a consistent deployment workflow, even for firewalled servers. DeployHQ Agent integrates seamlessly with your existing DeployHQ setup.

Getting Started with the DeployHQ Agent

The process of deploying with the DeployHQ Agent is straightforward:

  1. Add a Network Agent: Head over to your DeployHQ project and navigate to the "Network Agents" section. Click "New Network Agent" and choose your server's operating system.
  2. Install the Agent: Follow the provided instructions to install the agent on your server. This typically involves downloading a script and running it with appropriate permissions.
  3. Verify and Start: Once installed, return to your DeployHQ project and verify the agent. Start the agent on your server, and DeployHQ will handle the rest.
  4. Deploy with Confidence: With the agent up and running, you can initiate deployments to your firewalled server just like any other server in your project.

Ready to Secure Your Deployments?

Head over to our documentation for detailed instructions on installing and using the DeployHQ Agent. Don't hesitate to reach out to our friendly support team if you have any questions.

DeployHQ Agent: The Secure Way to Keep Your Deployments Flowing.

A little bit about the author

Facundo is the CTO at DeployHQ. He oversees our software engineering team by day and, in his free time, enjoys hobbies such as cycling, spending time in nature, and the company of Bono 🐶


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