DeployHQ Guide for ProcessWire
ProcessWire is a flexible and powerful content management system (CMS) and framework built on the PHP programming language. It's designed to provide developers with a high level of control and customization over their websites, while also offering an easy-to-use interface for content editors.
Here are some key features of ProcessWire:
API-driven: ProcessWire is built around a powerful API that allows you to interact with and manipulate your website's content and structure programmatically.
Customizable: You can create custom fields, templates, and modules to tailor ProcessWire to your specific needs.
Scalable: ProcessWire is designed to handle large-scale websites and can be easily scaled to meet your growing requirements.
Secure: ProcessWire includes built-in security features to protect your website from vulnerabilities.
Open-source: ProcessWire is a free and open-source project, meaning you can use, modify, and distribute it freely.
ProcessWire is a great choice for developers who want a CMS that gives them full control over their website's functionality and design. It's also a good option for content editors who need a user-friendly interface for managing their website's content.
1. Set Up ProcessWire Project
First, create a new ProcessWire project using Composer:
composer create-project processwire/processwire your-project-name
cd your-project-name
Initialize a Git repository:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial ProcessWire setup"
Create a .gitignore
2. Set Up DeployHQ
- Create a DeployHQ account at
- Create a new project in DeployHQ
- Connect your Git repository (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, or custom)
3. Configure Deployment in DeployHQ
Go to "Servers & Groups"
Add a new server:
- Choose protocol (SFTP recommended)
- Enter server details (hostname, username, password/key)
- Set deployment path
- Create a new deployment:
- Select branch to deploy
- Choose the server
- Set up automatic deployments if desired
4. Environment Configuration
Create a site/config-default.php
$config->dbHost = '{{DB_HOST}}';
$config->dbName = '{{DB_NAME}}';
$config->dbUser = '{{DB_USER}}';
$config->dbPass = '{{DB_PASS}}';
$config->httpHosts = ['{{SITE_URL}}'];
$config->sessionName = '{{SESSION_NAME}}';
// Additional configuration as needed
In DeployHQ, go to "Config Files & Environment" and add these variables.
5. Build Pipeline Configuration
Create .deploybuild.yaml
- name: "node"
version: "18"
- name: "php"
version: "8.0"
- description: "Test Command"
command: "composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader \n npm ci \n npm run build"
halt_on_error: true
- path: node_modules/**
More info on build commands here.
6. Deployment Hooks
Directly on DeployHQ you can configure Post Deploy SSH Commands, such as:
php site/assets/cache/ClearCache.php
chmod 755 site/assets/cache -R
chmod 755 site/assets/files -R
chmod 755 site/assets/logs -R
chmod 755 site/assets/sessions -R
7. Server Environment Setup
Ensure your server meets ProcessWire requirements:
- PHP 7.3+ (8.0+ recommended)
- MySQL 5.7+ or MariaDB 10.2+
- Apache with mod_rewrite or Nginx
For Nginx, use this configuration:
server {
listen 80;
root /path/to/processwire;
index index.php;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php8.0-fpm.sock;
fastcgi_index index.php;
include fastcgi_params;
location ~ /\.ht {
deny all;
8. Database Setup
- Create a MySQL database for your ProcessWire installation
- Note the database name, username, and password for environment variables
9. Deployment
- Push your changes to the connected Git repository
- In DeployHQ, go to "Deployments" and click "Deploy Now"
- Monitor the deployment process
10. ProcessWire Installation
After deployment:
- Access your site URL
- Follow the ProcessWire installation wizard
- Enter database information (using environment variables)
- Create an admin account
- Choose site profiles if desired
11. Post-Installation
- Set up SSL/TLS for your domain
- Configure cron jobs for ProcessWire's LazyCron:
* * * * * cd /path/to/site && php -f ./site/modules/LazyCron/LazyCron.php >/dev/null 2>&1
- Regularly update ProcessWire and modules
12. Continuous Deployment
- Set up automatic deployments in DeployHQ
- Configure notifications for successful/failed deployments
- Use DeployHQ's rollback feature if needed
13. Performance Optimization
- Enable OpCache on your server
- Use a CDN for static assets
- Implement server-side caching (e.g., Redis)
This expanded guide provides a more comprehensive approach to deploying ProcessWire with DeployHQ, covering additional aspects like server configuration, post-installation steps, and performance optimization.
Want to learn more about deployment or Wordpress? Check out our documentation or contact our support team for assistance.