DeployHQ offers many security configuration options for your account, such as enforcing two factor authentication, IP restricted access, and granular user restrictions.
Two factor authentication
Two factor authentication is an option on a per user basis. However, it’s also possible for an admin user to enforce all users on the account to use Two factor authentication. Once this setting has been enabled, if a user logs in without two factor authentication enabled, they will be prompted to set it up.
More information on how to setup two factor authentication for your account, can be found here.
IP restrictions
To help to avoid data breaches, access to your DeployHQ account can be restricted to a list of specific IP addresses or ranges. Users with IP addresses that do not match the addresses on the allowed list will receive an error when attempting to log in. This can be setup under “Settings > Access & Account”.
User restrictions
Account administrators are able to configure the permissions for each individual user. If a user is set to be an account administrator, they would have access to all aspects of the account, including billing details.
There is an option for them to just be able to manage users and all projects, but not billing. Regular users can then be set to access either all projects or specific projects, and within each project, it’s possible to set users to only be able to deploy to certain servers, or not have access to update the project configuration.
More information on user restrictions, can be found here.
If you have any questions about these features, or any other aspect of the service, please don't hesitate to get in touch.