
Articles from 2015 - DeployHQ Blog

Displaying posts 19 of 9 in total

Gitlab Support

Whilst we've had support for Gitlab repositories for some time, we've recently deployed full support for Gitlab via OAuth as well as the ability to trigger automatic deployments using both...

Bitbucket Webhooks

Recently Bitbucket have updated their Repository settings with direct support for Webhooks, and will be removing support for their old Services features in the future.

Excluded Files per Server

Deploy has the ability to explicitly exclude files from your repository based on a file pattern match.

Artboard 20

Improved E-mail Notifications

It has been said that Deploy's email notifications can be a little too binary, you can receive notifications of all deployments, or none at all. Today we're giving you the...

Introducing Deploy v2

After 6 months work, we're really pleased to announce the launch of Deploy v2. This new version includes a completely re-written UI which has been optimized to make things as...

FTPS Support

Good news if you need to use FTP to upload your files to your server, but you'd like a little extra security. Today we're introducing support with for FTPS (SSL/TLS).

Customise your notifications

For a long time, Deploy has been able to send messages to your private chat system of choice (Hipchat, Slack, Campfire or Flowdock) to alert you to the success for...

Thanks for your feedback!

Over the past few weeks a lot of you have been getting in touch to let us know what you think about the new version of Deploy which is currently...


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