
The DeployHQ CLI

As well as the web interface, DeployHQ also has a Ruby API library and command line tool for interacting with your projects.

You can find more information about the CLI client on GitHub, and installation and example usage instructions below.


You'll need Ruby installed on your system to be able to use the DeployHQ CLI. To get started, enter the following command in your terminal, in any directory, which will install the library globally.

gem install deployhq

Configuration (deployhq configure)

To configure the DeployHQ CLI in a project, navigate to your project in your terminal, then run deployhq configure to set up the connection to your project in DeployHQ, and follow the steps provided:

$ cd /path/to/project
$ deployhq configure
Account Domain (e.g. https://atech.deployhq.com): https://atech.deployhq.com
Username or e-mail address: adamw
API key (You can find this in Settings -> Security): my-api-key
Default project to use (please use permalink from web URL): my-project-permalink
File written to ./Deployfile

The CLI client will always look for the details of the current project in a file called Deployfile in the current directory. This file will contain your account URL, project permalink, username and API key, in JSON format.

It is recommended each member of your team has their own Deployfile, since the username and API key are user specific.

List servers (deployhq servers)

$ deployhq servers
Ungrouped Servers
              Name : Test
              Type : SSH
              Path : htdocs
            Branch : master
  Current Revision : baa7690059283c6e2e3d21fd0149f12b318175dd
          Hostname : localhost:22

Make a deployment (deployhq deploy)

$ deployhq deploy
1. Test (branch: master) (currently: baa7690059283c6e2e3d21fd0149f12b318175dd)
2. List Server Details
Please choose a server or group to deploy to:
Waiting for an available deployment slot...
Checking access to repository
Checking start and end revisions are valid
Checking connection to server Test
Updating repository from https://github.com/robertlyall/my-react-project.git
Getting information for start commit baa769
Getting information for end commit baa769
Checking out working copy of your repository at baa769
Deployment has finished successfully!

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