
Edit an excluded file via API

This method allows you to edit an existing excluded file rule within a project.


  • Replace <permalink> with the permalink of the project.
  • Replace <identifier> with the identifier of the excluded file

HTTP Method


Supported Parameters

  • path - the full path and name of the config file (required)
  • servers - an array of server identifiers to apply the excluded file rule to
  • all_servers - If the excluded file rule should apply to all servers set to true, otherwise send an array of server_identifiers (optional)

Example cURL Request

curl -H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
--user adam@atechmedia.com:my-api-key \
-X PUT \
-d '{ \
  "config_file":{ \
    "path":"node_modules/**", \ 
    "servers":[] \
  } \
}' \

Example response


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