
Create a new SSH command via API

This method allows you to create a new SSH command.



Replace <project> with the permalink of the project.

HTTP Method


Supported Parameters

  • description - The description of the command (required)
  • command - The actual command (required)
  • cback - When the command should be run (required)
    • before_changes - Before changes have been uploaded
    • after_changes - After changes have been uploaded
    • timing - Run on one of the following (required)
    • all - All deployments
    • first - Only on the first deployment to the server
    • after_first - Only after the first deployment to the server
    • halt_on_error - If DeployHQ should halt a deployment if a command fails to run (optional)
    • server_identifiers - An array of server identifiers that the command should be run on (optional)
    • all_servers - If the command should be run on all servers set to true, otherwise send a list of identifiers (optional)
    • timeout - A timeout for how long the SSH command should be run (required), the following options are permitted and must be provided as an integer as a number of seconds
    • 300 - 300 seconds (5 minutes)
    • 1800 - 1800 seconds (30 minutes)
    • 3600 - 3600 seconds (1 hour)
    • 5400 - 5400 seconds (90 minutes)

Example cURL Request

curl -H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
--user adam@atechmedia.com:my-api-key \
-d { \
  "command" : { \
    "description": "Test command", \
    "command" : "echo test;", \
    "all_servers" : true, \
    "timing" : "all", \
    "timeout" : 300, \
    "cback" : "after_changes", \
  } \
} \

Example Response

    "identifier": "82204198-e157-86bc-0911-0fcd5f25f4ec",
    "cback": "before_changes",
    "position": 5,
    "description": "Description",
    "command": "**command**",
    "halt_on_error": false,
    "servers": [
            "identifier": "16d48756-20f0-1fa0-ac12-9dffb67054c0",
            "name": "Hello",
            "protocol_type": "ssh",
            "server_path": "/tmp",
            "auto_deploy_url": "https://test.deploy.dev/deploy/gitlab/to/ll/fnxn0be32syo",
            "last_revision": "2aab5da1a6ae04a1e943d55213465d28056d5bc2",
            "preferred_branch": "master",
            "notify_email": false,
            "server_group_identifier": null,
            "hostname": "",
            "port": 22,
            "username": "root",
            "use_ssh_keys": false,
            "host_key": "AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAA..."
    "timing": "all"

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